Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Jealously Guarded Secret of One Overlooked Hidden Selling Technique


“Just who’s Mr. Q?” I bet you’ve asked this question now.

No. Mr. Q isn’t someone from a notorious prison. Neither is he a fictitious character from comic book.

I’m talking about the hidden personality of Mr. Q in your prospect. If you still confused and want to know it, you unknowingly answer your question.

Let me explain clearly to you.

All human beings have a bottomless need for answers. The fastest way to satisfy their needs is to ask QUESTIONS. By now you should be able to see who Mr. Q is.

In fact, the speed of Internet enables everyone to seek solutions to their questions fast. That’s why there’s no way search engines can die. These provide a systematic way to search for answers.

Why not borrow the same strategy to provoke your prospects to send you their questions?

The better way to implement it is NOT to provide tons of information to your enquirers. You shouldn’t confuse them this way. It is an effective distraction to zero sales. This is one deadly mistake that many commit. That’s why more than 95% of online businesspeople don’t make money.

Instead, you should create a mindset that stirs up their needs to ask you for more information. According to psychology researchers, when a person seriously makes up her mind to have certain thing, she’ll consistently do whatever things to achieve her goal. This is the principle of consistency in human behavioural pattern as suggested by renowned professor, Dr. Cialdini.

Can you create certain intentional marketing event to trap prospect’s mind using the same principle?

Let me show you the details.

1. Imagine your prospect stumble on an article in your web site. It provides a solid answer to her question. Here’s how she will think.

“Great! Now I got it. This guy is a real deal!”

2. But, you leave out the most crucial part of the answer. You want her to take action to ask you. And, this is the chance to grab her into your sales process.

“I’ll ask him for more info!”

When you’ve convinced your prospect to communicate with you, her defence to prevent being sold drops down. This is because she trusts you. You’ll have no problem selling to her.

This strategy pulls in more sales than the rest. You’re not slamming your promotion at prospects. It gets worse when you’re doing it on the Internet. Online prospects are generally resistant to any sales attempt.

It’s amazing to see many people are telling and showing their promotional efforts without closing any sales. They’re missing the idea of soft selling method. One-way communication is rarely effective when you use it at first contact with your prospect. Instead you should encourage your prospect to open her mind and exchange conversation with you in the beginning.

What kind of questions prospect may ask?

The best way to know is to find out from There’s a search term suggestion feature in the web site. You just need to type in the theme of your business to find out related words that people are looking for.

Let me give you an example.

If you’re selling binoculars, the related keywords that your potential customers use in search engines are these;

binoculars digital camera,5018 bushnell binoculars,3775 nikon binoculars,2967 camera binoculars,2835 night vision binoculars,2508 steiner binoculars,2168 binoculars digital,2078 binoculars review,1772 pentax binoculars,1481 leica binoculars,1450 swarovski binoculars,1413 canon binoculars,1372 zeiss binoculars,1300 zoom binoculars,1161 meade binoculars,1116

There’re at least 54 key words not listed here.

Your next step is to write up relevant articles according to these words. The objective is to satisfy the needs for knowledge. But, don’t give away all information. You should weave your article to tease your prospects to start a conversation with you. In the process, lead them to buy your product.

Imagine this.

One article that you create pulls in at least 3 prospects every month. How many customers can you expect when you’ve have 69 articles according to each keyword? Do the calculation yourself.

The best part is that you create content for once. It is the right information that everybody wants to read.

Can you see the potential here?

Do not follow the misunderstood advice saying that “Content is the King”. You should use content as bait for your sales process. This is the better hidden selling technique on the Internet.

I urge you to start using this technique.

However, you still need to learn the skill to create sales-pulling article that uses this strategy. It will take a book to show you how. Then again, it is not within the topic of this article.

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Eo Lim has helped many businesspeople succeed online
using the revolutionary P.E.R.F.E.C.T. writing
formula. Visit his site to find out how you can get a free

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