Sunday, January 12, 2025

Java Studio Creator Turns Two


The latest version of Java Studio Creator includes drag and drop support for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) from a new component library.

Sun released Java Studio Creator 2 as a free download for members of its Sun Developer Network, which is also free to join. The IDE contains new features for web application builders, including support for Ajax.

The JavaServer Faces technology included with Java Studio Creator provides a number of visual and non-visual drag and drop components within the IDE. Sun organizes these as Palettes. Developers can use the included code clips on the Palettes, or create code in the editor and drop a snippet of it into the Palette for future use.

On the back-end, the product supports JDBC 3.0-compliant databases, XML-based web services, and SOAP-based services via the Java APIs for XML. Developers can use JDBC Rowsets in their visual development, Sun noted on its website.

The testing environment includes the Platform Edition of the Java Application Server. This lets developers deploy applications and test them from the IDE. Then the application can be deployed remotely as a web archive (WAR) file.

Sun said the standards-based code produced in the IDE allows it to work in popular containers without modification. That should permit their deployment on platforms like Apache Tomcat, the freely-available servlet container released under Apache License terms.

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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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