Friday, January 10, 2025

IT Consulting Rates: What Should You Charge?


Your hourly IT consulting rate potentials will vary according to where you live.

The rates in this article will be based in U.S. dollars, so if you’re reading this in Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, or another country, you’ll need to do some conversions.

These IT consulting rates work well for densely populated suburban areas and major metro areas.

For very sparsely populated areas and rural areas you are going to find that you can’t charge as much, but then again your costs of doing business are also going to be generally a lot lower.

What IT Consulting Rates are Appropriate for Sweet Spot Clients?

In terms of micro small businesses IT consulting rates are all over the map because volunteers and gurus are involved. It can be from zero to $50, sometimes more.

If you want to work with micro small businesses as a stepping stone clients, you will only want the cream of the crop and skim only the most profitable opportunities in micro small businesses.

Charge at the Top of the Range

You are going to need to charge either at the absolute top of that range or even above that range, because you simply are not going to be able to make your switch over from part time moonlighting over to full time on $50 an hour.

It just doesn’t work. When you start putting that rate into a spreadsheet, you’ll see that the only people who can charge low rates like that are moonlighters who will never be full time IT consultants.

No one is content to work 80 hours a week for $20,000 dollars a year.

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Joshua Feinberg helps small business computer consulting firms get more steady high-paying clients. Sign-up now for Joshua’s free one-hour audio training on Small Business Computer Consulting secrets at

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