Sunday, January 12, 2025



Friend, is your business failing because of you?

I ask that not to get you to buy something, to sign up for anything or for you to produce all of the many reasons why your business actually is a success. I ask the question so that you will ask yourself, is there more that I can do to make my business a success?

How many times do we sit back and wait for traffic to come to us? How many times do we surf a couple of sites, place a few ads in a couple of ezines and then wait for the orders to start piling in? Then we wait and we wait and we wait and somehow they never do.

Why don’t the orders come piling in? Because success is not a sit back and wait type of deal. Any person who has become even moderately successful has had to go out and create their success, create their dreams and to make money. That’s exactly why it’s called making money and not receiving money, it takes a lot of hard work.

So Friend I ask you again, is your business failing because of you? Of course, you don’t have to answer me, but just think about the time and energy that you put into your business, as opposed to what you expect to receive out of your business. We all seem to be looking for full time benefits, on a part time effort. So what do you do? Go out and beat the bushes as I like to call it. You can always do the tried and true but develop your own niche.

Networking is an often underutilized marketing tool. I’m sure if you’re reading this article right now then you are subscribed to at least 50 ezines. Let’s say each ezine has a mere 500 subscribers each, right there that’s 25,000 people.

Yes, I know, you’ve sent in your ad, you’ve even paid for a top sponsor spot and you’re not getting the results that you want so you’re giving up. Well, don’t give up just yet. If you believe in your dream and in your business, you have to convince others that your business is worth believing in too. Contact the ezine owners, explain to them who you are, what your opportunity is and (oooh, here’s the exciting part) what you can do for them.

Most ezine owners are so busy just trying to find content to fill up their ezines they would be extremely willing to give you an extra push, especially if you can provide some sort of discount or benefit to their subscribers. Remember, what you learned at a very young age, it’s not what you know, but who you know! That rule of thumb still applies in the real world.

Aside from ezines, there are literally unlimited places that you can go to network with other business owners. Join a few business or small business directories, contact sites that offer a complimentary item. For instance, if you are a gift shop, go out and find a florist that might consider doing a partnership with you. Both items, compliment each other, yet are not in direct competition with each other.

Consider a thank you page exchange. Once a subscriber has subscribed to your web site have an additional link saying, “Thank you for subscribing to Critique My Site Ezine, we thought you might also enjoy “Other Ezine Name Here.” If so enter your email address here……..

There are so many things that can be done that won’t cost you a cent. So, have you answered the question yet? Is your business failing because of you? If so, I leave you with these words……GET OUT THERE AND BEAT THOSE BUSHES!!!

Just because you’ve built it doesn’t mean they’ll come Let us critique your site today!

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