Friday, February 21, 2025

Internet Popularity: What Are People Reading


When surfing the net for stories, you never know what’s going to grab the public’s curiosity. Some stories are a sure bet, but others, like say puggles, make you scratch your head bit.

Puggles, for those not in the know, are new, mixed breed of dog combining a pug and a beagle, hence the name puggle. The insufferably cute pups have become incredibly popular, to the point where pet stores can’t keep them around.

Another story getting some notoriety and searches on the web is a recent debacle in Tampa, Florida involving two Carolina Panther cheerleaders locked in a restroom stall, engaged in pleasures of the flesh. This, however, wasn’t the problem. The line outside the stall was. As the two women exited the stall, a wise crack was made, a punch ensued and eventually, the entire event turned into a classic barroom brawl. The young women, Renee Thomas and Angela Deathly were relieved of their cheering duties. Unfortunately, no video footage of the barroom incident has made it to the internet.

Finally, everyone has probably heard of the recent problems at the Philadelphia Eagles. Their star wide receiver, Terrell Owens, made comments the team felt inappropriate regarding his achievements. After these recent comments in addition to a number of problems between Owens and his team started during the summer, the Eagles elected to bench Owens for the season. The case is up for arbitration and Reverend Jesse Jackson has offered to be the arbiter. No word on whether or not he will help mediate the dispute.

Lots of topics float around the net and one never knows what may become popular. It’s difficult to say what will catch the public’s eye. While Terrell Owens and NFL cheerleaders necking and fighting were a safe bet, where did those little dogs come from?

John Stith is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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