Tuesday, February 18, 2025

I Question Your Integrity!


I seriously question your integrity! I don’t believe a word of your advertising or any of your promises! You’d be shocked if one of your customers said this to you, wouldn’t you. You’d want a detailed explanation of why they feel this way. You’d acknowledge that YOU needed to correct whatever it was that caused this feeling in customers – IMMEDIATELY. Yet, many of your potential customers do feel this way. They just don’t tell you.

Your prospects have seen so much hype and so many scams that they don’t know who to trust. They’ve seen the truth “stretched” so much that they don’t know what to believe. Your product or service sounds so wonderful. It sounds like the perfect solution to their problem. It sound like the perfect way for them to finally start building that on-line business they hope will someday provide a full-time income. They want to believe you, but instinct teaches them to be very cautious… and that’s good.

What makes your potential customers feel distrust though. Well, I saw the perfect example, in an on-line discussion forum recently. In a post on this forum, it was stated that marketers routinely use contrived testimonials. It was suggested that most of those giving testimonials for some products have never even TRIED the product. It was suggested that many big name marketers merely trade testimonials. This has not been my observation but “revelations” such as this are certainly a cause for concern. That type of behavior is NOT the standard. Most on-line business people that I deal with have a lot of integrity and honesty. If you deal with people who adhere to a different set of standard, then you need to change your business associates.

Sometimes it does appear to be a “dog-eat-dog” world. People do often espouse using questionable tactics to get ahead. It often looks like you have to “pull out all of the stops” in order to really grow you business. It sometimes looks like the secret is to do whatever is necessary to make the sale. Buy into that philosophy and your online business will not survive long. Word spread very fast online!

In most jurisdictions it is illegal to make false claims both on-line and off-line. People have their businesses shut down for misleading the consumer in the U.S. and many other countries. People go to jail for tricking people out of their money.

Even if certain behaviors are not illegal, if something inside you tells you that it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. It’s that intuition and your conscience talking to you. They are both very good guides of what will lead to true long-term business success. What are some of the common behaviors many consider “questionable?”

  • Stating that an offer will end on a given date and then extending the offer repeatedly. Your prospect notice this and they DO respond (by not buying and by giving you negative press).
  • Using a guarantee full of loopholes because you don’t believe in the product. Offer a strong guarantee and if you don’t believe in a product enough to do this, find another product.
  • Misstating how long you have been in business. People do tend to feel more secure in dealing with someone who have been around long enough to demonstrate they will likely be around next year. However, in many niches, people also know when someone entered it. They know when they first started seeing your name. They can also check on-line sources such as “Whois” to see when a website was established.
  • Misstating your subscriber numbers. It take time to build a list although you can accelerate this considerably by using a list-building service. You can also buy subscribers from many sources. However, if you’ve only been on-line for six month it’s hard to believe you’ve built a list of 10,000.
  • I am sure you see, and could list, dozens of other questionable practices. They are not the way to build a successful business. When you consider using a questionable practice, ask yourself how many on-line millionaires use them. I don’t think you will find many because most of them simply wouldn’t take the risk.

    Aside from taking the time to build relationships with your potential customers and letting them get to know you, what can you do to establish your credibility? How can you show that you operate your business with strict ethics and integrity? The best way that I have discovered is to associate with organizations that require it’s members to meet and ADHERE to a code of conduct. I’ll tell you about 2 in this article.

    The first organization I’ll mention is called the International Council Of Online Professionals (i-Cop). In order to become a member you have to promise not to engage in questionable business practices. You also have to agree to respond to any complaints that the organization receives. These complaints are followed-up on until they are satisfactorily resolved. Records of unresolved complaints are made available to members/subscribers. Prospective members must pass a screening to include a website review. Those who don’t yet have websites may join but must also meet “standards.”

    I am a member of the International Council of Online Professionals and encourage you to become a member too. Members are given an emblem to display on their website identifying them. This banner links back to a page confirming you really are a member. Anyone seeing the i-Cop emblem on a website know that this is a person they should be able to trust. They know that if this person behaves in an unethical manner he will be quickly discredited (once concrete proof is presented). To learn all about i-Cop visit: http://williecrawford.com/cgi-bin/tk.cgi?icop

    I-Cop publishes a “Rap Sheet” reporting disreputable business that is well worth subscribing to.

    The second organization I am a member of, and will recommend to eligible businesses, is the Better Business Bureau (BBB). BBB memberships are not available in most countries. That’s why I mentioned i-Cop first.

    What’s the BBB all about? Well… if I am thinking of getting car repairs done here in Florida and am uncertain of how reputable or dependable the business is I would check their record with the local BBB. If they are not a member I wouldn’t do business with them because most reputable U.S. off-line businesses are members (in my area). They proudly display their membership plaque because it reassure their customers that they adhere to a very strict code of conduct. Problems with members are reported to the BBB and become a matter of record that any consumer has access to.

    The BBB has a fairly stiff screening process and many pre-requisites. They actually sent someone out to interview me and investigate my place of business. They wanted to know all about my products/services and wanted to fully understand my business. Not all types of businesses are accepted into the BBB. They also required that a business be established for a minimum of 1 year.

    BBB membership allows you to advertise your membership locally. For online businesses, there is a BBB Online. You must first qualify for a basic BBB membership before you are considered eligible for a BB Online membership. It requires a separate application process. The BBB inspects your website as well as your regular membership history prior to considering you for BBB Online. If you qualify for BBB Online, you are given a hyperlinked image to place on your approved website(s). Clicking this emblem takes the potential customer to the BBB Online site where they can investigate your business history.

    The basic BBB membership fee is based upon your business size but starts at $225 per year locally. The BBB Online membership is an additional $100 per year. I consider these basic business expenses and well worth the cost. If you are just starting out you may think this isn’t something you can afford. Only you can decide if a membership is merited.

    I’ve given you just two methods of enhancing your credibility and professional business image. There are other organizations you can join which may also serve the same purpose. Industry- specific organizations are an example. Regardless of what you do to dispel natural online consumer mistrust, you must be aware that it does exist. You have to demonstrate that you are trustworthy. Establish your credibility and your sales increase exponentially.

    Willie Crawford has been teaching Internet marketing for
    over 9 years. Take advantage of his uncanny insights and
    experiences by subscribing to his free, information packed
    newsletter at http://WillieCrawford.com/ezine.html

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