Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Hurricane Katrina assistance: Blog for Relief today


Hurricane Katrina has devestated New Orleans and much of the Gulf Coast region with her fury. Bloggers can help and do our part.

In fact, it’s at times like these when bloggers can make a difference in people’s lives.

Today is Blog for Relief day for those hit hard by the fury of Hurricane Katrina. Flood aid is needed desperately by the many people driven from their homes by rising flood water.

The following request for Hurricane Katrina assistance was sent to me by my good friend Paul Chaney of Radiant Marketing Group.

I present the request in its entirety:

I want to make a special request of you. Living in the state hardest hit by Katrina, Mississippi, I am terribly grieved by the catastrophic consequences of the storm and its devastating effects on the southeast. I’m sure you share that grief as well.

Because my own family has been affected by the ravages of the hurricane, it has become a matter of great personal importance to me.

I want to implore you, if you’re not already doing so, to devote some of your posts to crisis and disaster relief information. If there was ever a time the blogosphere can be used to blog for good, this is it. Truly, this is our nation’s tsunami.

You are probably aware of tomorrow’s Blog for Relief Day. I’d like to urge you to participate. You can find information at Truth Laid Bear.

Thank you.

Paul Chaney

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Join Blog For Relief today.


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