Wednesday, February 5, 2025

How To Write A High-Profit Autoresponder Series


It’s the truth!

A strong autoresponder series can instantly double the conversion rate of your existing sales letter!

No kidding! I’ve created autoresponders for sales letters that have instantly pushed a 2% conversion to a 4% conversion with a snap of the fingers.

Yet everywhere I turn I see great sales letters that could do so much better if they simply added a strong autoresponder and started following up with prospects over and over again on complete auto-pilot.

You have a sales letter right now, or you’re getting ready to have one. Either way, you’ll spend hours polishing it or spend hundreds to have a copywriter work on it, all with the hope of increasing the sales and profits it produces.

And while that’s smart business — without an autoresponder — you’ll never kick your conversion rate up as high as it can go.

So you might wonder, what exactly makes a great autoresponder series that takes those somewhat interested and turns them into rabid “cash in hand” buyers? It’s actually a painless process…

With autoresponders, I usually use 7 messages. Studies have proven this to be the most effective number for follow-up without completely annoying those that keep getting message after message from you.

Now with these 7 messages, you have a lot of room to talk about your product.

So what I like to do is break apart each of the messages into separate buying types I know will be interested in my product.

For instance, there are a lot of different types of people that would use my copywriting services. One might have an interest in my services because of my prices. Another might be thinking about hiring me because they like my writing style. And yet another may be debating about using me because they like the way I keep writing until they’re thrilled with the copy.

Now that’s 3 different reasons that people might buy from me. I can think of a few more too. So what I would do with each of my 7 messages is pick one type of person — think about what’s stopping them from buying — and write one message directly to them.

For instance, my first message in my autoresponder might be written to the business owner that likes my prices. In this letter, I would go through the reasons my prices give him or her better bang for their buck. I would talk about nothing else. Every word of this one autoresponder message would be about my prices and why they’re getting a good deal.

And then, with my next autoresponder message, I might write to the business owner that likes my guarantee. I would go into deeper detail about it. Explain it so that he or she has no questions. I would sell the guarantee I offer, and nothing else.

And I would continue on like this, message after message. Each message would have a very specific goal — to convince a certain prospect that they should buy from me while knocking down objections and diminishing their buying resistance.

Of course, some prospects will have multiple reasons for not buying from you. But if you find the 7 – 10 main reasons they won’t act, and address them with individual messages, you’ll instantly notice an increase in your conversion while knocking down individual objections on complete auto-pilot.

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