Saturday, December 7, 2024

How to Stay Motivated Until You Succeed (and Beyond)


Motivation has several faces…some good, some not so good.

Some motivation is like a pep-rally: We go to the meeting, listen to the tape or read the book and get all revved up. Unfortunately, this type of motivation fades pretty quickly, and has to be replenished often.

Another face of motivation is negative motivation: Guilt or fear nagging us on to carry out tasks in a begrudging fashion. “You ought to…” is often the cry of this motivator.

A third type of motivation is group motivation: We do what everyone else is doing. This is why our teenagers choose the same “non-conformist” clothing all their friends are wearing.

All three of these have their place: Sometimes “pep-rally” motivation becomes “inspiration”, moving us to our highest acts. We apologize and change our behavior in response to appropriate guilt. We obey the law due to fear of consequence. Fitting in is an important part of social adjustment.

But there is a fourth type of motivation, a type of motivation you must have in order to succeed-whether it is in business or in more important areas of life.

The fourth face of motivation is Inner Motivation.

Inner Motivation springs from who we are. It is inside of us. It is so ingrained in us we are moved by it without anything outside pushing us.

Many women have this Inner Motivation often referred to as “maternal instinct”-they have to nurture children. They will never be satisfied until they have accomplished it.

Great actors-as well as most politicians-have an almost compulsive need for love and attention. The roar of the crowd gives them the approval they so desperately need.

It is who they are.

Starting, running and growing your own business is tough. Really tough. Without an inner drive no amount of pep-rallies, guilt or desire to fit in will give you what you need.

It has to be in you.

But what do you do if, like me, a new Porsche, palatial mansion or designer clothes aren’t very appealing?

[Heck, I bought most of my wardrobe from Wal-Mart]

You have to figure out what IS important to you and decide if your own business will help you have that thing in life.

For me, I want to love and care for my family and help others to find deeper levels of happiness.

That’s what’s in me. Owning my own business allows me to accomplish those two primary motivators.

Maybe for you it’s getting your child into a good college. Maybe it’s giving to a charity. Maybe it’s spending your time writing that novel that’s been knocking around in your head.

Maybe it’s just finally finding the love and peace you have always longed for.

If you are going to stay motivated to accomplish the big things in life-having a great marriage, wonderful friendships, whole-life prosperity-then you will need to tap into your Inner Motivation.

I have put together a worksheet to help you determine what’s most important to you. You can grab your own copy here:

Who knows, you might just become the next President. (Don’t laugh-look at some who’ve already made it!)

Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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