Tuesday, February 18, 2025

How To Make More Money … The Trend Is Your Friend!


Stock Market investors know it.

Commodity traders know it.

The trend is your friend. When you follow the trend you make money and when you buck the trend you’ve got a hard way to go.

The problem faced by stock and commodity traders is that trends aren’t always obvious. You can have false tops and false bottoms on investment trends that can cause what appears to be easy money, a loss.

Luckily for you the trends for making money as a small business owner are much easier to see. You can see them coming a mile away.

So how do you know what trends are developing that will determine the most profitable products and service to promote?

Follow the aging patterns of our population. The fastest growing segment of our population is the 50 plus crowd.

The baby boomers are now aging and their needs reflect what is wanted and needed in our society.

So what do these baby boomers want, need and desire?

Statistics show their buying patterns reflect growth in five major areas:

* Health Care

* Investment Advice

* Technology

* Specialty Retail

* Entertainment

These are the five areas that will dominate the buying patterns for the next 17 years.

Pick a good program in any of these growth areas and you’ve not only increased your chances of success, you’ve potentially locked in your profits for the next 17 years.

What makes the Internet so powerful is the fact that you have the potential for capitalizing on as many of these five areas as you choose.


Through what Robert Allen calls the “poor man’s franchise”.

Network Marketing.

Why does he call it that, because through most network marketing companies you can hop on any of these trends for less than $100.

That’s a big advantage over what it would cost you to buy a franchise from MacDonalds or 7 – 11.

I’ve hopped on some of these trends for less than $20. Man alive, talk about a return on investment.

Imagine setting yourself up for the next 17 years for less than $20?

That’s why the Internet is such a powerful tool. You’re no longer limited to a business or industry, you can literally build your own empire on a shoestring budget.

If you’re serious about making money online, remember, the trend is your friend for the next 17 years.

Hop on board and ride the wave.

John has been writing on the Internet for 5 years and has a
special gift for you. Sign up for your complementary e-Course
“How To Build Your Business With Free Advertising.” Visit:

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