Saturday, October 5, 2024

How to Integrate Clickbank Affiliate Links Into Your Website

If you’re trying to make money online, you either have to have your own product/service or promote someone else’s. Usually this is in the form of what’s called “affiliate programs.”

Clickbank is the largest marketplace online for finding products you can resell. You can earn commissions from 1 to 75% on over 10,000 digital products that Clickbank offers. There is no charge to sign up as an affiliate. Once registered you’ll need to find the specific merchandise that you want to promote.

So now you’re all signed up and excited about all of the money you’re going to make but how do you get people to click on your affiliate links? There are plenty of ways to promote & market affiliate programs from ezine ads to using Pay Per Click Search Engines, but recently some new ways have been developed that allow you to easily promote your affiliate links via your own website.

Similar to PPC Search or Contextual ads the ads appear in blocks to the right/left or top of your web pages. Your affiliate code is hard coded into the ads shown and the advertisements are related to the content of your page. When people click on the links and make a purchase, you earn commissions.

Let’s examine a few of the options for integrating Clickbank links directly onto your website.

1) Affiliate Sensor:

You select the search terms that relate to your website pages or AffiliateSensor determines them from the page title and headings and then supplies you with related content.

Once registered, you’ll need to paste some JavaScript onto your pages where you want the Clickbank ads to appear. Also includes an easy-to-use script building interface so you can customize your ad blocks to match the look and feel of your site. You’ll enjoy real time reporting, including referrer and clicks by domain.

There are no up-front costs to use Affiliate Sensor, as it’s paid for by sending 5% of the ad block impressions to their own Clickbank account and 5% to whoever you signed up through.

2) ClickAdWords:

Again, serving ads from Clickbank’s database of products. You choose the category of ads you want displayed on your website and choose the look of the ads shown.

Merchants can establish an ad campaign account and bid for placement in the served ads. Those who bid the highest will enjoy higher placement. This is similar to PPC Search Engine bidding.

You keep every penny your site earns. The number of ads shown ranges from 5 to 15 you’re in charge of how many ads you would like to appear on each page. Format of the ads is horizontal or tower ads.

You can also choose to place a search bar on your website which searches the entire directory right from within your website.

3) CBClicks:

Free to sign up, just make sure you have a Clickbank ID first. The ads shown on your web pages are targeted by keywords you select. For example, if your site is about ebooks you would choose “ebooks” as one of your keywords, and the ads displayed on your website would all be related to that word. When someone clicks on an ad and makes a purchase from the Clickbank merchant, you earn commissions on each and every sale.

4) ClickSensor AdWords:

Not a service, but a powerful PHP script that places ads similar to “Google Adsense” on your website. Again, these are Clickbank affiliate product ads and you’ll earn commissions when someone clicks thru and makes a purchase.

There’s no need to supply keywords, as the script spiders your pages and then matches each page with related ads. Once set up, you’ll cut and paste some JavaScript onto your pages where you want the ads to appear. They offer 11 different ad styles to chose from, including towers, buttons and banners.

Version 1 sells for $97.00 and Version 2, which allows you to add as many affiliate programs as you want, is $197.00.

5) Affiliate Text:

A new concept that links the Clickbank ads into the actual content of your webpages instead of placing the ads in the right or left borders. Free to use, you receive 80% of all hits and 7% of hits from Webmasters who sign up under you. 13% of the clicks keyed point to Affiliate Text’s website.

To use this service, you’ll paste some code onto your pages which causes automatic linking to relevant Clickbank products throughout the content of the page. Your pages are scanned for their most important keywords/phrases and products related to those keywords are chosen from the database of Clickbank ads.

So next time you’re tempted to show someone else’s ads on your site, you may want to consider using one of these Clickbank Ad Services instead. Why earn pennies on the dollar displaying any adver- tising when you can promote your own affiliate programs as integrated website content and earn commission at the same time. Expanded content and money, now that’s a good thing!

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