Wednesday, January 15, 2025

How To Get Thousands of New Subscribers


Subscribers are the life’s blood of any ezine. In this article I thought I would give you some of the techniques I use every day to get tons of new subscribers. However, let me also point out that getting new subscribers is only part of the picture. You also want to keep them and that means you must offer them something of value. You must offer quality content to make them look forward to every issue.

Assuming you have an ezine that is better than the tons already out there here are a few ways to get new subscribers:

Ask those requesting free reports you have posted to autoresponders to subscribe. This is how I get many subscribers EVERY week. When I see unfamiliar names in my inbox (copies of autoresponder request) I send them an email and ask them to subscribe. The messages says, “I noticed that you requested a free report from my autoresonder. Every issue of my ezine contains such insightful information. Why not hit the reply button right now and type subscribe as the subject. You will be subscribed right away.” Guess What – Many people do subscribe after receiving this note.

One of the reasons they subscribe is because I make it incredibly easy. They just need to hit the reply button and type one word. It’s very important that you make it very easy to subscribe to your ezine. Don’t force the potential subscriber to visit your website to subscribe. However, if he is there, make it easy to subscribe from there too. If you visit my website you will see that I have a link on just about every page asking visitors to subscribe. They just click on a link which opens their email program and presents them with a precomposed message. All they have to do to subscribe is hit the send button. Many people subscribe every day right from my website.

You can also get your ezine listed in most of the search engines. Post a few copies to your website and then submit these pages to the search engines. Use terms describing your ezine in your metatags. This works!

Also, list your ezine with the tons of websites that specialize in compiling lists of ezines. Some of these sites list circulation, ad rates, etc. Two that come to mind right away are the sites operated by Ruth Townsend and Gary Christensen. Ruth has compiled a directory of ezines. Make sure yours is listed. Find out more about Ruth’s directory by emailing Ruth at:

Gary Christensen also has a nice list of ezines that are sorted in a database. To get listed in Gary’s database Tell them both that I sent you 🙂

I have gotten subscribers from being listed in both of the above directories. I have also gotten advertisers through these sources. Being listed works! There are a lot of other sites out there that list ezines. If you offer such a site feel free to drop by my site at and leave a message on my message board telling site visitors about your service. Since this is a helpful service I will not consider it advertising so my moderators should not delete your posting.

Another method many people use to get new subscribers is they exchange ads with other publishers. This allows them to use extra ad space. Let your exchange ad solicit subscribers. Make it easy for them to subscribe by just clicking on your ad. Also give them a compelling reason why they would want to subscribe to your ezine. Tell them how it is different. Tell them what valuable information you offer them.

Another way of getting subscribers is through posting to discussion lists and discussion boards. For a list of these discussion boards, send me an email asking for it. Offer helpful advice on these lists and leave a link to your website. When they visit your website, be sure to ask them to subscribe. Since many of the visitors to these forums are ezine publishers, the discussion often turns to ezine how to. This is where you can mention your ezine. You can ask for a critique or ask for advice. People will click through to your site to see the copy of your ezine that you have posted. If they like it they will subscribe.

I have just given you a few methods of getting ezine subscribers. There are lots of others already mentioned in the many ezine articles I see every day. Be creative, and persistent. Your subscriber list will grow if you use these techniques. However, if you don’t produce a quality ezine, your subscribers will leave after only a few issues.

Willie Crawford has been teaching Internet marketing for
over 9 years. Take advantage of his uncanny insights and
experiences by subscribing to his free, information packed
newsletter at

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