Friday, January 10, 2025

How To Be A Cutting Edge Journalist


Microsoft Geek Blogger Robert Scoble spoke to some journalism students at San Jose State and had some interesting advice.

Here are Some things Scoble told the students:

1) Read Dan Gillmor’s book, We the Media.

2) Learn Pubsub, Feedster, Technorati, and Bloglines.

3) Protect your credibility ruthlessly. Go to jail to protect your sources, for instance. And all the other stuff you learn in journalism school.

4) Make friends with the smart students. You know the ones. They don’t drink a lot of beer, they hang out in the library on weekends instead of the pub, but they are more likely to get jobs after graduating and, if they like you, are more likely to bring you along for the ride.

5) Stay up to date on the bleeding edge. I showed off Flickr and Text America and called up Cameron O’Reilly of G’day World on Skype. Many hadn’t heard about podcasting.

6) I showed off and and explained how Dave Winer and Dori Smith got me into blogging. I also showed them how Dave Winer bootstrapped the tech blogosphere.

7) I showed them memeorandum and Technorati (and Google and a few other) news pages and explained that that’s the future of news aggregators

Scoble also noted that most of the 100 or so students he spoke to planned to work for a newspaper. Hopefully his talk opened some eyes … They could be a professional blogger like him!

murdok is the CEO of murdok which publishes over 200 websites and email newsletters.

Rich also publishes his blog WebProBlog which focuses on internet business and marketing trends.

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