Friday, February 21, 2025

Hot Banana Integrates WebTrends with CMS


Hot Banana Software announced the integration of WebTrends Web analytics solutions with Hot Banana’s Web CMS.

The integration is designed to assist Hot Banana’s mid-sized clients to easily adopt Web analytics to accelerate their business results. Hot Banana is demonstrating this Web CMS integration at the Search Engine Strategies Conference & Expo, December 13-16, 2004 in Chicago at Booth #125.

With this unique integration, Hot Banana will offer its clients the ability to maximize Web site effectiveness and improve return on investment by allowing them to easily set up WebTrends solution’s content groups, campaigns and conversion scenarios from within the Hot Banana interface. As a result, clients will be able to determine which campaigns are driving the best results; understand which areas of the site require improvement, and which are of most interest; and evaluate how to best optimize Web site conversion scenarios to increase the number of visitors fulfilling their business goals.

Hot Banana’s customer Web sites can be analyzed with WebTrends 7, which utilizes an accurate, efficient data collection technology called WebTrends SmartSource, based on page tagging. By integrating WebTrends SmartSource with Hot Banana’s Web CMS, customers can automate the process of tagging and testing Web pages for analysis using the familiar Hot Banana interface to minimize hand-coded errors and ensure that their sites are properly coded for collecting Web traffic and visitor behavioural data.

Additionally, Hot Banana is one of the few search engine-friendly Web Content Management Systems on the market. Now, with the integration of WebTrends Web analytics, Hot Banana users can separate paid from organic search engine results and capture sales data down to the keyword level, to create effective search engine marketing campaigns and strategies.

“With Hot Banana’s Web CMS we manage several Web sites serving multiple online campaigns and programs,” says Adam Hadley, eMarketing Manager, World Vision Canada. “Tracking and understanding Web site visitors, conversion rates, referrals and general traffic flows is extremely important. Now that Hot Banana has integrated WebTrends, this task will be greatly simplified, making us more effective for both our donors and the children we serve.”

With WebTrends, Hot Banana users can gain insight into the true value of having total control of their Web site content and Internet marketing programs, making content changes on the fly with real-time analysis of the effectiveness of their efforts.

“We’re very impressed with how well our two technologies work together,” says Krista Lariviere, President, Hot Banana Software Inc. “All our clients will significantly benefit from this integration. The ease with which content groups can be created, and the simplicity of tracking campaigns, is now combined with our ability to easily control the content and resources of Web sites, making Hot Banana quite unique and an even more appealing and powerful Web Content Management System.”

“Hot Banana has created a unique solution with its integration of WebTrends 7, giving its customers critical access and insight into Web visitor activity,” says Jeff Seacrist, Director of Product Marketing at WebTrends. “By incorporating WebTrends with Web Content Management Systems, companies like Hot Banana can offer clients a unique value proposition to improve Web results and accelerate ROI.”

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