Saturday, October 5, 2024

10 Great Simplifying Ideas To Help You Manage Your Busy Life

Simplifying doesn’t mean giving up what you want. In fact, just the opposite.

Simplifying your life gives you more time for what you really do want time and energy for (like reading, relaxing, taking a class, or spending time with friends). Try these ideas, to add more time, money, energy, support, and space to your busy life.

1. Here’s the easiest keep-the-house-picked-up strategy ever: Make a new habit – and teach to other family members — to “never leave a room without taking something with you”. For example, if during the course of the evening you get up to go from the family room to the kitchen or the bathroom, take something from the family room that needs to be returned to any room that’s on your way.

2. If you have a large household, with several people using the same bathroom, give each person an individual basket with their own toiletries, and have them take it back and forth to their room. Similar to college life. It keeps the mess out of the bathroom, and each person happy with their own stuff – cutting way down on arguments and fussing.

3. Keep a box or basket in your closet or an inconspicuous corner. During the course of your daily work, you will find things that you no longer want for whatever reason – you may just be sick of dusting it. Take it right then – a total of 10 whole seconds – and put it in the basket or box. When it’s full, call to make a donation, or drop it off at one of the charity drop boxes located around your city.

4. It is said that Einstein never tried to remember things that he could easily look up (even his own phone number). He believed it freed up space for things he did want to use his brain power for. Use his example (he WAS a genius, after all!), and get proficient with using a notebook and scheduler to keep you on track and remind you of things you don’t need rattling around in your brain.

5. Start a new habit of going through the mail over the garbage can. From your hand to wherever it belongs, don’t sit down until you handle it every day. Toss the junk immediately, put bills where they belong, and put magazines in a special place (not on the kitchen table!).

6. Create “drop-point” bins for each family member. This is the place to collect all things that come and go out of the house every day – schoolwork, movie returns, errands list, dry cleaning — instead of having it scattered all over the place.

7. Limit morning chaos by spending just 15 minutes getting things ready for the next day. Collect things you need to take, or post notes to remind yourself. Choose something to wear, hang it outside the closet. Lay out kids clothes, pass out lunch money or gather stuff for lunches on kitchen counters. Set the breakfast table. Decide on dinner plans. Update the calendar.

8. Pay bills each week, same day, same time, same place. You will always know where you are financially. Eliminates the possibility of late fees, lost bills, or overdrawn checkbooks.

9. Start a list one Saturday of anything that’s unfinished in your life-bookshelves half put up, something you need to return to a friend, a gift you’re late sending, a call you need to make. Continue writing them down throughout the week – just as you remember it. By next Saturday, you’ll have a nice long list. Then spend that Saturday taking care of the list, one by one, systematically and quickly. Put an END to it.

10. Create FFY – “fend for yourself” – night (my sister’s idea). It means that each person fixes his/her own dinner and cleans up after himself. The kids might choose cereal, sandwiches, or leftovers. It not only gives the cook a break, but also helps to teach the kids to be resourceful and practice independence in a safe setting.

Professional Life Coach Kathy Gates is the author of several e-books and e-courses designed to help people live happier, healthier, easier lives. Sign up for her ezine, “Make It Happen” at

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