Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Google’s Weight Gain/Loss Tracker


There’s a useful li’l weight tracker you can add to your Google personalized homepage, created by Brian W. Fitzpatrick, a Google software engineer. Brian calls the Gadget the Google 15, after the weight geeks usually gain after starting their Google jobs and being introduced to all the free food.

Brian has written out a FAQ, which explains how the tracker uses a moving average, making it a more accurate and realistic look at how your weight is changing over the last two weeks, as well as giving some good tips on losing weight realistically. The Gadget, Fitz’s 20% project, includes a modified Flash graph from the Google Analytics team, and the FAQ is based on advice from Google staff doctor Razavi.

    Why is this named “The Google 15″?

    A play on the dreaded “Freshman 15″ that many college students gain, this homepage module is named in honor of the fifteen pounds that new Google employees supposedly gain in their first year at Google from gorging on the omnipresent free food.

    Of course, legend and fact don’t always agree, and The Google 15 is really a false urban legend, but it makes an intriguing name for a homepage module.

Really? Maybe someone needs to do a study to find the real truth. Me and my wife are now using the tracker, and we’ll see who can better avoid the “Marriage 15″.

Who am I kidding?! I already gained more than 15 pounds since the wedding!
(via TraderMike > Found on Findory)

UPDATE: Also, here’s a way to change the style of your Google Personalized Homepage to something more blue and blissful.
(via Digg)



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