Friday, January 10, 2025

Matt Cutts Tweets About Bing


Everybody’s talking about Bing today since the Microsoft’s new search engine became unexpectedly available on a widescale. That includes Google, and more specifically Matt Cutts.

An interesting conversation took place on Twitter today between Cutts and Betsy of the Bing account. Cutts was apparently doing a little ego searching on Bing and does not appear entirely impressed with the results. SEO Services Group has transcribed the conversation:

 Matt Cutts: Congrats to @bing on the launch! Sad to see this not-so-relevant result at #4 for [matt cutts] though:

Bing: @mattcutts anytime you want to give feedback to @bing, we’re here. 🙂 I’m sitting with the devs at present. ^betsy

Betsy for Bing Bing: @mattcutts I know you are disappointed in ego search stuff tonight w/ @bing, but try ‘mtv movie awards 2009′ and see what you get. 🙂 ^ba

Matt Cutts: Ouch. The #5 Bing result for [matt cutts] is spammy too: It’s a YouTube->WordPress autogenerated blog. 🙁

Matt Cutts: @bing okay. First web result was from 2008 instead of 2009, even with 2009 in query: . Google nails it.

Matt Cutts: @bing but doesn’t it bother you that [mtv movie awards] on Google gives great news results and 2009 url, but w/Bing I only see 2008, 2007, ?

Movie Awards search on Bing
Bing: @mattcutts Uh – the first answer folks see is the news answer, not what you circled. Apparently twilight won. ^ba

Matt Cutts: @bing by the way, Twilight did rock. I’m not ashamed to say it–glittery vampires rule!! 🙂

That’s about it for the conversation between the two (so far), but Cutts referenced that number 4 result again later:

Matt Cutts Tweets about Bing

To me, this just looks like Cutts stepping up to market Google in the wake of Bing’s launch. Bing’s getting a lot of attention right now, and it only makes sense that Google would want to make sure they don’t go thinking its better than their own search engine. It’s about protecting the brand.

Whether this is Matt’s intention or not, Cutts pointing out shortcomings in Bing’s search results is going to resonate throughout the industry. He is practically the posterboy for Google, at least among the search and tech savvy crowd.  A lot of people follow Matt Cutts. A lot of people hang nearly everything on what he has to say (search-wise).

Cutts has shed some light on some issues with Bing though. It’s a little early to burn the search engine at the stake. After all, it’s not even supposed to be launched yet, but after trying an ego search for myself (not something I performed in my first Bing runthrough), I am also much happier with Google’s results. By the way, here are some more Bing findings.

What are your thoughts on Bing? How do you like the search engine’s results compared to Google’s? Share your thoughts.

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