If you use Google at all, you’ve probably noticed a link on the home page introducing CADIE. CADIE is “the world’s first ‘artificial intelligence’ tasked-array system.” Learn more about it here.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc5GeYxsnYIObviously, this is Google’s attempt at April Fool’s humor, but boy have they put a lot into it. What would at first glance appear to be a simple joke is actually quite an elaborate one with different Google company blogs contributing, as well as CADIE’s own blog, and YouTube channel. CADIE has even taken over Google on Twitter.
On Google Maps, you can learn about CATIE’s favorite places:
According to Google Mobile, CADIE’s technology has even helped create Google Brain Search for mobile, which helps users recall:
– the name of that guy across the room
– where you put your car key, and…
– why you started dating this woman in the first place
It’s of course supported by the iPhone, Windows Mobile, and Blackberry.
CADIE has a thing for pandas and can be found throughout the Google universe. There is no telling where else CADIE will pop up throughout the rest of the day.