Friday, January 24, 2025

Google Trendspotting: The World Is Funny


In recent news, the Emerald Isle has led the world in searches for [lonely], according to Google Trends. Before you start sniffling, you should know Dubliners are far from alone. They are joined from the Far East and America, depending on which form of the word you use.

So they’re lonely in Dublin, reports Ciara O’Brien, but they battle loneliness in the Philippines. But as far as being alone, Chicago finds cold winds and no one to cuddle up to.

Google Trends, a research tool that charts popular search terms by city and country, lets us know that not everyone searches in the same way, or for the same thing. Minneapolis, for example, is extra concerned with family (which may account for their absence on the lonely list) as well as platform shoes.

Perhaps the folks in the City of Brotherly Love know the effectiveness (or lack of) wearing their fish bowl platforms to find love. While Philadelphia looks for love, and Washington D.C. looks to get married, the passionate citizens of Santiago, Chile are in the mood for romance (and so is the rest of South America, it appears).

If it’s love, marriage, or romance you’re looking for, be sure to steer clear of Miami, where money rules the beach, and Cairo, too, whose citizens are on the prowl for sex. In Birmingham, UK, they’re more likely to miss both opportunities because they’re too busy looking for porn.

Two and a half hours away, the men of Brentford have put porn on the backburner until they’ve found some Viagra. Maybe the citizens of Brentford should make a trip to Birmingham or Cairo where there may be an overabundance.

Blondes are in high demand in France, but red heads take center stage in Florida. But before you think only Americans like red heads, remember that in Edinburgh, they have ginger hair.

In Chennai, India, they are looking for jobs, but in Brisbane, they’re looking for work. Nearby, in Melbourne, they’re still trying to find out what’s eating Gilbert Grape. But in Budapest, they’ve waited so long for Godot, they’ve sent out a search party.

Google Trends is something a person could waste an entire day on, unless you live in Canada, where you’ll probably do it tomorrow.

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