Friday, September 20, 2024

Google Paying Students In Pizza

Looking for a way to up your street cred in those famously exclusive geek (not Greek) crowds on campus? Become a Google Pizza Ambassador (no liberal arts majors need apply).

They say the way to a geek’s heart is through his stomach and Google is following this ancient wisdom as part of its recruitment efforts on campuses all over the country. This Google job posting asks for resumes from any aspiring computer science student who would like to tap Google’s pizza budget each semester while winning “admiration from [their] CS peers.”

Here’s how it works: One lucky computer science (or related) student on selected campuses gets a starting budget of $500 to spend on pizza to feed the late-night code crammers from Google plates and napkins. Though $500 is the initial offering, the pizza budget is apparently bottomless as Google Pizza Ambassadors can request as much pizza money as they need.

The job requires computer science majors with “strong pizza eating skills” to commit to the program for one year. Posting pictures of your Google pizza party also seems to be part of the deal. Check out this geek pie rager out of the University of Maryland.

“Google hopes that its small investment pays off later in the form of talented grads flocking to the company on the strength of its gesture,” writes Adam at Slice, a weblog devoted exclusively to pizza.

Yosemite Sam-type paroxysms could be heard emanating from the greater Redmond, Washington area. Read what Microsoft executive Steve Ballmer had to say on the matter here.

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