Sunday, January 12, 2025

Google, Oracle, and Others Involved in SDForum Event


SDForum announced the Developer Testing Forum, the first event to bring together leading luminaries and practitioners of developer testing.

The Forum will be held on November 17 at 8:30 a.m. at the Quinlan Community Center in Cupertino, California. The event reflects the broadening interest for developer testing, driven by practices such as Agile Programming, Extreme Programming (XP), and Scrum. The forum is unique in that it focuses on deployment in large-scale commercial environments such as at Google, Oracle, and Wells Fargo.
The Developer Testing Forum features a keynote presentation by Kent Beck, the father of Extreme Programming and creator of the popular developer testing framework, JUnit. The opening presentation, by Sriram Sankar, will be about the practice of developer testing at Google. A panel, moderated by Agitar CTO Alberto Savoia, will debate the myths and realities of developer testing with panelists from Oracle Corporation, Wells Fargo, and others.

“Software quality is one of the most important issues facing the IT industry today,” said Laura Merling, executive director of SDForum. “We’re excited to explore software quality through our community of software developers. We believe that enabling software developers to directly impact and be responsible for software quality is fundamentally changing the way companies create software.”

The U.S. government estimates that poor quality software costs the American economy more than $60 billion a year. Developer testing is an emerging new practice that significantly improves software quality by uncovering defects as software code is written. Industry analysts estimate that developer testing tools and processes are being used or evaluated by the majority of Fortune 1000 companies and that the trend is growing. The Developer Testing Forum has put together a panel of experts from Silicon Valley companies who are prepared to address the current state and future direction of this important practice.

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