Friday, February 21, 2025

Google Named Top Mobile Web Destination


When rankings are published, and Google is involved, the Mountain View-based company usually wins.  This time is no different, and M:Metrics has crowned Google the “top mobile web destination for smartphone users.”

Interestingly, though, Google’s mobile reign appears to be much weaker in the UK than in the US – the corporation had an “active reach” of just 30.94 percent in the one, compared to 62.48 percent in the other.  Also, Google is ahead of its nearest competitor in America (Yahoo) by almost 30 percent; in Britain, its lead (over runner-up Orange) is just 9 percent.

Still, it doesn’t appear that the search engine giant will be overthrown anytime in the near future; M:Metrics’s figures for the UK put Google ahead of the BBC, Microsoft, and Vodafone (ranked third, fourth, and fifth, respectively) – each of them massive in their own right.

As for those US numbers, Google appears undefeatable, as well.  Yahoo, Microsoft, AT&T, and Time Warner were number two, three, four, and five.

To explain the importance of these figures, an M:Metrics press release states, “Smartphone usage is driving the emerging mobile Web and this will be one of the keys to advertising-based business models. . . .  Smartphone owners drive a disproportionate share of revenue for mobile operators and content providers and understanding their behavior is a key to understanding how to best monetize the mobile medium.”

Well, judging from M:Metrics’s data, it looks like Google holds that key.

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