Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Google, Microsoft Looking At BlackBerry Search


The nickname “CrackBerry” seems more appropriate than ever today as not one, but two major companies have turned their attention to the device.  Google Mobile App for BlackBerry comes from one corner, while a search deal is reportedly in the works between Microsoft and RIM.

We’ll start with the more definite development.  On the Google Mobile Blog, Terry Van Belle and Tim Cox named improved search speeds as being one of their free product’s highlights – no more waiting for a browser to load.  Search histories are available, as well, and users should see Google Suggest, Google Apps support, and update alerts as they use the new tool.

Google Mobile App
 Google Mobile App For BlackBerry

This is all nice, but perhaps not revolutionary.  These things are generally available through Google.com, after all, and that site poses few access problems.  Off to the other subject, then, to see what Microsoft’s working on.

Ina Fried reports, “Microsoft and RIM are expected on Thursday to announce a partnership that will make it easier for BlackBerry users to reach Microsoft’s search engine . . . .  As part of the deal, BlackBerry users will have the option to use Microsoft Live Search as their search engine of choice within the device’s browser.  Also, Microsoft’s Live Search will be an option from within RIM’s mobile portal.”

Getting more exposure to users by default isn’t bad, particularly since Live Search might be something they wouldn’t otherwise seek out.

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