The vagaries of keyword Quality Scores for AdWords have caused advertisers to ask for more information from Google.
Via the AdWords blog, Google delivered some news that should be of some help to its ad clients.
A new Keywords Analysis page became available in AdWords, as part of the Ad Group Details table. The magnifying glass icon launches Keyword Analysis:
At the top of the Keyword Analysis page, you’ll see your CTR, minimum bid, current bid, and keyword status (i.e. active or inactive for search). Below this information, there are two tabs – an ‘Ad showing?’ tab and a ‘Quality Score’ tab.
Ad showing tab: Click the ‘Ad showing?’ tab to see information from the Ads Diagnostic tool. Find out whether or not your keyword is triggering ads to appear on Google, reasons why, and ways to improve your ad performance. Results are based on specific Google search and geographic criteria. To test using different criteria, click the ‘Ads Diagnostic Tool’ link on the page or from your ‘Tools’ page.
Quality Score tab: Click the ‘Quality Score’ tab to get details and recommendations about your keyword’s Quality Score. At the top of the tab, find your Quality Score rating – Great, OK, or Poor.
Next, find tips on what to do in order to achieve the best ad results. Finally, see how different components that factor into your Quality Score as a whole are performing. Our system checks your keyword relevance and landing page quality. For each problem that we may find, we’ll provide ways to help remedy it.
The usual advice about ad relevance still stands. Google has been more aggressive since last year about weeding out ads it deems less relevant to a query. Failing to make ads and their landing pages more suitable to Google’s expectations could mean few or no ad displays for a campaign.