Friday, September 20, 2024

Google Helps Volunteers Recruit Voters

Recently Google launched a couple tools for helping people find out the information they need to vote on November 4th. They created a site based on Google Maps, and a Google Gadget supplying essentially the same info. To use these, you would search for your address, and then you would be provided with information like how to register to vote in your state, your state’s election website, and the location at which you are supposed to vote.

These tools should prove very useful, and will hopefully get people out of their house or job on Election Day to go cast their votes for the President of the United States, as well as other elected officials.

Google, who seems to really want to stress the importance of voting, has taken things a step further and released a similar tool for mobile devices for volunteers:

“With the U.S. elections less than a week away, voting drives are ramping up,” says a blog post by a couple of Google Mobile Engineers. “Political parties and non-partisan groups alike are sending out volunteers to encourage citizens to vote on November 4. To make sure these volunteers have the same voter info tools available to them on their phone as on their computer, we’ve now launched a mobile voting locator tool on”

Volunteers will be able to use the tool to find voting locations for any address while trying to recruit voters. This should be quite beneficial to their cause.

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