Saturday, December 14, 2024

Google Aims to Ease Cloud User Experience


Google has redone Google+Docs?hl=en”>the Google Docs Help Forum. It has added a few features to improve the ease with which users can obtain info, and increase the overall user experience. New features include:

– Question & answer format to help you find answered threads quickly

– Profiles that allow you to associate a picture with your username

– Ability to subscribe to threads by email or RSS feed so you can get updates

– Votes for the best answer to a question, and the ability to tag an answer to your question as the ‘Best answer.’

“Your feedback proved invaluable when designing the new platform. Thanks in advance for your patience as we work to build a community in the new Google Docs Help Forum. We hope you’ll come check it out,” says Google Docs Guide Stephen Drennan.

“If you participate in the Help Forum in another language, rest assured that our engineers are working on making this new platform available in additional languages, but we don’t have a date at this time,” he notes.

Google+Docs?hl=en”> Google Docs Forum

Google appears to be doing all that it can to encourage use of it’s products in the “cloud.” A couple months ago, they talked about how Gmail had a 99.9% guarantee of uptime, and that it was extending that guarantee to other Google products in the cloud. That includes Google Docs, as well as Google Calendar, Google Sites, and Google Talk. They shared some data from the Radicati Group that looked at email service downtimes, with Gmail remarkably lower than others (of course other cloud services like Yahoo Mail and Microsoft’s Hotmail were not presented).

Still, a guarantee of that little amount of downtime for Google Docs, should encourage some users who are hesitant to rely on it for their important documents.  Google wants you to know that it is reliable. They’re reinforcing this attitude by improving support features like the forum.

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