Friday, February 21, 2025

Froogle Ads For Fathers Day Showing Up In Google AdWords


Recently, Murdok featured an article discussing how Google was allowing Froogle ads to appear in the first paid position of their search result page. Google acknowledged, to Andy Beal, that they were indeed promoting Froogle by placing it within the paid listing area.

According to Google, this is the equivalent of a link to Google news accompanying a search query for Iraq. Andy counters with the point that Google should at least have a better method of identifying their Froogle placements. This would alleviate any confusion in distinguishing between a paid ad and a Google ad promoting their shopping site.

However, it appears that suggestions are falling on deaf ears. The same anonymous reader that tipped Murdok off on the first incident has let us in on another Froogle ad placement appearing with paid ads when searching for Google+Search”>Father’s Day gifts.

Instead of the Froogle ad appearing at the top of the search results, this newest incantation appears mixed in with Google’s AdWord ads. These ads normally appear on the left hand column, across from the search results. In Google’s defense, this particular “ad” doesn’t receive the top placement. The newest one fluxuates it’s position on the Google AdWords placement.

Motivations for these actions stem from wanting to promote Google. Also, on the most recent Mother’s Day, Nielsen//NetRatings discovered that shopping sites received a large increase of traffic amounts. Froogle, in particular, received an 80% increase of traffic during the Mother’s Day shopping period. It appears that Google is trying to recapture or increase their traffic for the Father’s Day shopping period.

Read Andy Beal’s synopsis here.

Chris Richardson is a search engine writer and editor for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest search news.

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