Many of us started our on line careers with such gusto there was nothing that could hold us back! As time wore on and our success just didn’t reach the level we had hoped, or been promised, one of two things most likely occurred: we either gave up completely, or we tried “spreading the wealth” by getting involved in so many MLMS and other programs that we completely lost our original focus.
Whatever our original goal, it most probably involved selling our product or service to a target audience. It did not involved selling others’ products or services or programs. Yet, when our own idea didn’t bring in the cash fast enough, as is so frequently the problem!, we were all but forced to do the next best thing – try another avenue.
And there’s nothing wrong with that! But – involvement in multiple projects at the same time will usually result in producing meager results across the board since we are only committing small portions of our time to each on a regular basis.
When I realized my own business could finally run itself most of the time, I decided to branch out and provide myself with a diverse income stream. Once I researched and decided what to promote and sell other
than my own copywriting services, there were days I wanted to scream because I had lost total control of my time, and found I wasn’t accomplishing what I need to.
Time for action! I sat down and listed all the programs I was promoting, and listed all the marketing materials I had at my disposal for each. I then listed all the advertising venues I had used previously which had given me a decent return.
I listed all of my articles and where they had been submitted. This way I knew it was time for new ones…an area I had been neglecting without realizing it.
Then – I made a list of priorities — what needed to be done first to make money? Obviously the advertising! If you don’t keep your name in front of your readers every day, they’ll forget about you. I learned the hard way. For one week I didn’t advertise at all. When I checked my stats I saw that my daily visitors had gone from 180 on Monday to 0 on Saturday… THAT was a wakeup call!
The best way I have learned to focus on priorities is to make a list a week in advance. Stick to it. Mondays are used for advertising – one product or program only – whether it’s emailing my list or placing solo ads in ezines – today is devoted to this function. I set up new .sig files and update my tracking system for all ads going out.
Tuesdays I spend on my web sites. Redoing copy, adding new program info, special offer — anything to keep it fresh.
Wednesdays I write my articles and submit. This can sometimes be very time consuming even with automatic submission software! This is also when I add content to my two ezines – I always have ongoing documents for both so that when they are due to be sent out there is little to do but a doublecheck.
Thursdays I spend researching on the web. I want to check out new programs, my competition, new laws, reader forums. This is the day when I will actually read any email I have saved that looked halfway
Fridays I save for all my administrivia – installing new software,listening to downloaded audios, cleaning out email addresses from my autoresponders, running to the office supply store — the necessities that never seem to get done and take so much time!
Just knowing what I have to do each morning is a benefit – no moresitting in front of the computer with papers all over saying, “Where do I start?”
With a plan you save time and stay on track. And give yourself a better chance of meeting your goals!
Marie Quaglia, CEO, EcommResources
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