Sunday, January 12, 2025

Findory Mentioned On Slashdot


I just thought it was cool that Findory, still the only news site I find worth visiting, got a cool mention on Slashdot.

The article is on spam blogs, asking if it is possible at all for services like Technorati, Feedster and PubSub to beat the rising tide of spam, summing up with the question:

Or will we have to seek new approaches such as the social filtering used by or collaborative filtering used by Findory to separate the ham from the spam?

Hopefully this will cause more people to make the switch to Findory. As far as I’m concerned, Findory and RSS are the only tools anyone needs for news reading. On a side note, Coolz0r attended a very cool blog dinner (we really need some in NYC!) and tells me there might be some cool stuff coming to introduce more people to R|Mail. I’m thinking of putting together a static “subscribe” page up on my blogs, one that explains what RSS is and has all the little buttons to subscribe with. If anyone wants to put it together (just text and links, WordPress generates the design), they’ll get a permanent link to their blog on the page and huge thanks from me. Both blogs have PageRanks of 5, so that’s gotta be worth something. Plus, a free John Stevens prize pack, if wanted (his CD is in stores today).

Plus, Coolz0r has the scoop that his prime minister is podcasting. Wow!

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Nathan Weinberg writes the popular InsideGoogle blog, offering the latest news and insights about Google and search engines.

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