Saturday, December 14, 2024

Eurekster Sweeps Up Forbes Deal


The financial and business news site will implement Eurekster’s SwickiPublisher platform as Forbes dips a toe into social media.

Eurekster technology will enable Forbes to build vertical search engines out of their content.

A statement from Eurekster noted its service powers a tab called “Web” on the home page and on the search results page that offers Web search results influenced by, and specialized for, Forbes users using Eurekster’s Swicki technology.

Eventually, Forbes could use the Swicki technology to build more focused vertical search options from its content. Forbes already offers several content categories, each with several sub-categories. We anticipate Forbes using Eurekster and the activity of its visitors to improve the visibility of their content.

In a recent conversation with Eurekster CEO Steven Marder, he discussed some of the points of difference between Eurekster and companies like Yahoo. Eurekster is not a destination play; the company focuses on providing tools for sites to better serve their users.

With Eurekster’s Swicki technology, a webmaster can tailor the sources of content. That includes paid products as well as information sources. Tailoring the available content can help a publisher reinforce its brand by making searches through that content more relevant.

This permits the webmaster to select content that makes sense for the community. Eurekster also plans to move toward facilitating monetization as well as bringing advertising and publishing together with its future products.

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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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