Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Entrepreneur Peer Support


Over the years, many entrepreneurs have told me about one problem they found very difficult to solve.

The concern was how, where, and with whom to discuss issues relating to operating a business. Their feeling was one of isolation and being alone in the world. They were unable to find other business owners who could relate and identify with their short and long term challenges.

Enter the entrepreneur peer support concept.

Independent business owners need the opportunity to discuss their business problems with others who share the same concerns. At the same time, the entrepreneur must be free to go into some detail without a competitor using the information to their advantage. In the past, most business owners were left to their own devices and to bottle up their worries inside. They were unable to talk over daily and long range business difficulties with understanding peers who faced most of the same issues. The internet in general, and blogs in particular, have created that much needed virtual support group.

Business bloggers have a built in support group whether they realize it or not. Other blogging business people are reaching out through their writings; actively seeking peer support and guidance. As other business owners read the postings, the realization appears that other people share the most of the same business challenges. At the same time, the bloggers aren’t business competitors, but more likely, potential business partners or resources. The seeds of a business support network are planted.

As the business bloggers become more familiar with one another through comment, e-mail, Skype, telephone, and live in person discussions, the support network is born. Already, several groups of business bloggers are meeting via Skype conference on a regular basis. The chat isn’t always about business related issues either. Often, it’s simply enough to know that others out their can understand and relate to what an entrepreneur confronts on a daily basis. The sharing together is what really matters.

If you are a business owner who feels alone and isolated. If you believe that there is no one who understands your daily trials and rewards, it’s comforting to know that other entrepreneurs feel the same way. Find a group of business bloggers with whom you have developed a trusting relationship and form a business peer discussion group. Talk about those pressing issues that your employees and family don’t seem to grasp. Share the joys and pleasure of owning your own business with other owners who enjoy that same sense of achievement and independence.

Set up a regular meeting time, and chat together as a group on Skype, or some other conference call medium. If you find another trusted entrepreneur in the same city, you can meet in person over coffee or lunch. Two person discussions are also valuable stress relievers, as well as idea generators. You may find yourself providing as much or more peer advice to others as is returned to you. Business people helping business people is a reward in itself.

Start an entrepreneur peer support group today.

Sharing ideas and talking about problems helps everyone succeed and lead happier lives.



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Wayne Hurlbert provides insigtful information about marketing, promotions, search engine optimization and public relations for websites and business blogs on the popular Blog Business World.

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