Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Emerging Tech Dinner at Yahoo


A couple days ago, I was leaving work and was really surprised to run into Scott Rafer (Feedster CEO), Rich Skrenta (Topix.net co-founder), Ross Mayfield (Socialtext CEO) and a few others.

Scott Rafer (Feedster CEO)
Rich Skrenta (Topix.net co-founder)
Ross Mayfield (Socialtext CEO)

I immediately suspected that I had completely forgotten about some important event, since that cast of characters is at nearly every conference I attend.

As it turned out, there were on-site for a dinner in which Yahoo folks were talking about Yahoo, RSS, Syndication, and so on. Since I was on my way out anyway and uninvited, I didn’t head upstairs to see what was going on. However, I’ve managed to find a few folks who wrote about the dinner.

Over at sfist you can read a long summary of the presentations and questions that came up.

Susan Mernit wrote up a shorter summary that I hope others read. Her first two points are:

  1. Yahoo gets the long tail, absolutely.
  2. Yahoo has the capability to turn into an infrastructure platform for blogging and micropayments of ad revenue and shopping, courtesy of work done by the My team and Overture.

I’m sorta bummed that I didn’t know about this event beforehand. It would have been great to spend 15 minutes there to meet some of the attendees who I’ve probably wanted to meet for a long time. But it looks like a few of the attendees are getting the message and helping to spread it. That’s good news.

Jeremy Zawodny is the author of the popular Jeremy Zawodny’s blog. Jeremy is part of the Yahoo search team and frequently posts in the Yahoo! Search blog as well.

Visit Jeremy’s blog: Jeremy Zawodny’s blog.

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