The year 2006 was a major year for all things Internet related. In fact, it might remembered as the year the Internet exploded. Record broadband adoption, major government attention, and the advent of video and social media made it, to borrow from VH1, the Internet’s best year ever.
To commemorate that, we’ve come up with a list of Internet winners, because everybody loves a good end-of-the-year list.
Internet Winners In 2006
1. Google
Every year for Google has been a breakout year for the eight-year-old company, but 2006 was a blockbuster. Besides adding user-generated video phenom YouTube to its roster for $1.65 billion in stock, Google remained a favorite of Wall Street, with stock catapulting over $500 per share. That spike was more than enough to cover the cost of purchasing YouTube.
And then they moved in with NASA.
2. YouTube
If Google was a winner just for acquiring YouTube, then YouTube founders Chad Hurley and Steven Chen, who created a site and flipped it for major moolah in just a year and a half, without even demonstrating how the site could turn a profit, are the biggest table scrap winners of the year. They still run their company and still got those stock certificates.
3. Broadband
Dialup Internet access has become akin to having outdoor plumbing. In the US, broadband access hit nearly 80 percent of the population. Because people no longer had to begin downloading a large file and then go to dinner while it finished, they spent more time actually enjoying video and audio content on the Web.
4. Lawyers
Happy days are here again for the corporate attorney. As Internet companies become Web giants, the window for lawsuit, valid or not, frivolous or not, gets a lot bigger. Google settles with advertisers angry over click fraud for $90 million – that’s $60 million in advertising credit for the advertiser and $30 million cash for the attorneys who won that case. Yahoo’s lawyers are so good, all they had to say was ‘sorry about that’ and write a check for $5 million to the complainant’s attorneys.
5. Social Media
For the end user it’s been all about friends’ lists, blogs, wikis, amateur videos, vlogging, podcasting, and instant messaging. From the consumer end, it’s been a communication bonanza and the official creation of the citizen media. Ideally, the elite and powerful only provide the means by which the people communicate, not control the communication itself, and the people are eating up. And for the professional media, if we hear the words “MySpace” or “YouTube” one more time…
6. Podcasting
The word “podcast” may have been Oxford’s word of the year in 2005, but nobody really knew anything about it until 2006. Now organizations of all types – newspapers, corporations, educational institutions, radio stations, kids – have started their own virtual radio stations. Though Apple made threats to those audacious enough to use the term “podcast,” a trademark infringement Apple said, all it took was a tongue-in-cheek one-dollar check to Apple head Steve Jobs to get official approval to podcast at will.
7. The Man
In all his incarnations, in government, media, or corporate America, The Man came out far ahead of the rest, even if he were scratched and bruised on the way. The G-Man, and his DOJ minions, strong-armed all the major search engines for their search data and got it, even from Google. Phones were tapped, records were seized, and online gambling, except that which is preferred by The Man, was banned. In China, The Man again forced Google to alter its search results to match the imposed cultural hegemony.
8. The Proletariat
However, The Man hasn’t always won this year. Though the telecommunications industry (one of The Man’s most powerful front organizations) had Congress wrapped around its green finger, there were enough grass roots to forestall any legislation without meaningful Net Neutrality protections. With a massive Republican defeat in Washington, Net Neutrality has a fighting chance.
When AOL tried to impose the equivalent of an email tax, the people revolted and AOL was forced to reconsider.
When Britain proposed a blogger code of conduct, again the proletariat told The Man where to shove it.
When TV wasn’t as entertaining, when news wasn’t as neutral or biased as it needed to be, when radio was too censored, and movies were far too polished, the people took the media into their own hands, which makes The Man very, very nervous.
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