Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Edelman/Intelliseek Publish Blog White Paper


Intelliseek and Edelman announced a new study on the impact of blogs. The study, “How Real People Are Finally Being Heard,” claims to be the 1.0 Guide to the Blogosphere.

“We’ve entered the era of mass personalization where people expect far greater participation in their favorite brands and companies. For companies, bloggers represent an immediate source of information and feedback, but also an opportunity to engage a rapidly expanding global network of influential, credible, passionate and involved group of real people who communicate constantly,” said Pam Talbot, President & CEO, Edelman U.S. “The white paper is to help companies better understand how to engage bloggers through authentic dialogue in ways that are appropriate and respectful.”

The white paper’s blog directory (available only to Edelman clients) ranks and profiles top bloggers who cover six key industries: marketing and public relations, business, consumer packaged goods, consumer technology, health care, and public affairs. The paper also provides basic information and experienced advice on blogger behavior, blogger engagement, legitimate public relations uses of blogs, and a blog lexicon.

You can download it here.

I’ve yet to dig into the document, but I am glad to see Edelman is practicing with its CEO blog, Speak Up, before coming out and preaching on how blogs should be done. One more tip of the hat to Richard Edelman.

And a BIG congrats goes to the bloggers who are ranked in the study.

pros should get this document to either review what they know or get up to speed on what they should know. More information on the study can be found here.

Kevin Dugan is the author of the popular Strategic Public Relations blog. Kevin is Director of Marketing Communications for FRCH Design Worldwide.

Visit Kevin’s blog: Strategic Public Relations.

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