Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Downloading TV Shows Leads To More Watching


CBS has released results of a poll that indicate viewers who download TV shows watch more TV than the average viewer. The poll shows that half of the users downloaded programs they had never seen and later became fans of those programs.

The data will allow CBS to better monetize their Web content and get better ad rates as well. While the big networks are lagging in their efforts to get more content on the Web they may finally be getting the idea that it is a lucrative area.

CBS Corp. research chief David Poltrack said “We’re looking at this as a key change in direction for us now and looking at our programming as dual distribution programming–over the air and on the Internet”.

The trend recently with the networks has been to add canceled shows to their Web content. CBS is running the canceled show Smith on its Innertube site while Fox is airing Vanished. NBC also is airing the failed drama Kidnapped.

The convenience factor is a major advantage that the networks are discovering concerning Web content. Being able to have access to a favorite program at your own leisure will continue to drive viewers to the Web.

There seems to be a general frustration with the networks for not paying closer attention to the trend of downloading TV shows from the Web. In a forum about downloading TV shows from the Web said “What a waste. I have downloaded shows for a while and always wondered why the networks haven’t gotten into it.”

As the old saying goes “better late than never”.

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Mike is a staff writer for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest ebusiness news.

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