Friday, January 17, 2025

Do You Make REGULAR Backups? If You Don’t… It Could Cost You


One of the very basic computer ‘rules’ is to always make backup copies of your important files.

That is not only good advice, it’s extremely essential. You’ve probably heard the saying that it’s not IF your hard drive will crash, but WHEN!

But crashing is not the only way to lose files. What about accidentally deleting files, and then emptying the Recycle Bin?

Suppose you wanted to delete the files on a floppy in your ‘A’ drive. Also suppose that you forgot to switch to the ‘A’ drive before you hit “delete.” I hate to admit it, but I’ve done this TWICE. (Some of us learn the hard way.) So, I lost everything on the hard drive.


Then, of course, I had to reinstall Windows, and find all the floppies that contained my backup files, and reinstall everything. Very time-consuming.

It wasn’t too bad at that time, because I had just started fooling around with computers, and didn’t have much on mine. Hadn’t even signed up for an online service, yet.

But what if my online business had been up and running at that time, and I had no backups…?

The second time this happened, I did have backups, but they were on 1.44mb floppies. A LOT of 1.44mb floppies.

Since then, I have switched to a 250mb Zip Drive. And what a difference. When I was using 1.44mb floppies, it took quite a few just to back up the necessary files. Now, with the 250mb zip floppy, I can back up WHOLE PROGRAMS, and not just the important files.

The 250mb floppy holds the equivalent of just over 173 of the 1.44 floppies. Talk about saving space.

The cost? The 250mb Zip Drive itself can sell for around $150-$200. But the real savings is in the floppy disks, the time saved, and the convenience.

A 1.44 floppy disk sells for around 50 cent each, depending on the quantity you buy, and where you buy them. So, 173 would cost you about $86.50. The last zip floppies I bought were $55 for 4, which makes them $13.75 each. Compare $13.75 to $86.50 for the same amount of disk space. A huge saving. And you only have to mess with 1 disk, instead of 173. I love it.

But the important thing here is to BACKUP, no matter how you do it, JUST BACKUP.

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