comScore has released a study detailing the habits of online consumers that own digital music players. The devices range from MP3 players to iPods and Microsoft’s new Zune music player.
The study found that this group of online consumers had an above average income and were highly sought after by consumer electronic advertisers. 36% of online DMP owners have an annual household income above $75,000.
They are also avid fans of Internet shopping with 49% agreeing that it is the best way to shop. 94% had made online purchases in the past six months.
“With the launch of Zune, Microsoft is targeting a highly desirable audience segment,” said Jack Flanagan, executive vice president of comScore Media Metrix. “As Zune gains in popularity, it will be interesting to observe how this segment of DMP owners differs from those who own iPods and other DMPs already in the marketplace.”
With Zune being new to the market place it will be interesting to see what kind of impact they will have on this segment of the population.
comScore’s study also revealed the TV viewing habits of DMP owners. They are more likely to use the Internet while watching TV and visit program related sites. Also they are 40% more likely to research products advertised than the average Internet user.
No wonder consumer electronic advertisers heavily target them. They know who can and will spend the money. Online consumers who own DMP’s are like gold in the electronics’ market.
One last interesting thing to note is that this group watches less TV than the average Internet user. 45% watch less than 19 hours of TV per week. As long as they are watching less TV but purchasing more electronics then advertisers will continue to focus on this lucrative audience.
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Mike is a staff writer for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest ebusiness news.