Friday, September 20, 2024

Digg Gets Ready For Search Improvement

Digg announced the unveiling of its new DiggBar yesterday to much enthusiasm. The toolbar makes Digg a direct competitor with StumbleUpon and TinyURL. You can check that out here:

DiggBar from Kevin Rose on Vimeo.

In the same blog post that Kevin Rose announced the DiggBar in, he said to “Also stay tuned for some big changes to Digg search!” Digg has not exactly been known for its search feature, but perhaps that will change.

TechCrunch was able to get a screenshot from Digg showing what the new search will look like. TC’s Mike Arrington says, “The new search appears to have much more relevant results, taking into account the popularity of the story as well as the newness for ‘best match.’ Other simple filters include ‘most dugg’ and ‘newest first.’ Compare that to the very old, not very relevant results you get now.”

He also notes that the left sidebar features items like aging, number of stories with a certain number of Diggs, and stories broken out by media type, and by topic.

Between this and the DiggBar, it seems like Rose is holding to his new year’s resolution of building a better Digg. Perhaps that lost Digg enthusiasm is starting to pick back up.

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