Thursday, February 6, 2025

Dell Provides Technology for Texas Schools


Dell is providing notebook computers and technology training for students and teachers in 18 schools participating in the Texas Education Agency’s (TEA) new Technology Immersion Pilot (TIP) program.

The TEA is pioneering a new educational concept — total immersion of faculty and students in technology. TIP explores the impact of technology immersion on student progress by providing teachers and students the resources for developing 21st-century skills.

Scott Campbell, vice-president of Dell’s K-12 business, says that training teachers on how to effectively teach with computers is as important as providing the computers themselves.

“Today’s students are surrounded by technology in their daily lives, so it’s important that we bring the same relevant technology into their learning environments,” Campbell said. “These training sessions will be vital in helping teachers with little computer experience engage their students using technology.”

In addition to professional development, the 18 TIP schools receive Dell notebook computers, productivity software, online content focused on core curriculum areas, online assessment tools and technical support.

Dell is working with Co-nect, a leading provider of data-driven, K-12 professional development solutions, to provide professional development solutions for the TIP schools. Co-nect’s programs include planning, evaluation and monitoring, instructor-led workshops and coaching.

In addition to Co-nect, Dell has assembled a team of partners to provide resources for TIP schools.

— eChalk provides students and teachers with a portal to Dell TIP applications and e-mail system.

— Classroom Connect provides more than 450 online instructional resources that teach technology skills in the context of reading, language arts, math, science and social studies. These resources align with the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) test.

— netTrekker provides an academic search engine specifically designed for school use. It supplements K-12 curriculum content including language arts, science, mathematics and social studies with more than 180,000 educator-selected, safe resources that align with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and TAKS tests.

— CTB/McGraw provides on-line assessment tools that help teachers access test information, schedule students for testing, monitor the testing process and quickly access score reports. Teachers can either use existing test banks or create their own.

— Microsoft Office is loaded on each Dell notebook system to help students communicate and collaborate as they learn.

“This is really exciting and innovating news for our teachers and students here at Corpus Christi Independent School District (CCISD),” said Dr. Jesus Chavez, CCISD superintendent. “This new technology will really open doors when it comes to our access to online educational resources. I believe it will allow both our teachers and students to take their talents to new heights.”

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