Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Darren Rowse Shares AdSense Advice


Darren Rowse is a blogger best known for his work on ProBlogger.net and Digital Photography School.  To say that he’s successful would be an understatement – revenue from ads paid his mortgage – and today, Rowse shared some tips for making money with AdSense.

On the Google AdSense Blog (told you this guy was good), Rowse wrote, “If I had to narrow my advice on using AdSense down to a single word it would be ‘experiment.'”  Start, if you want, by changing ads’ positions.  Rowse found that people got click-happy when he placed ads towards the end of articles.

Then try to find a balance in terms of quantity.  Rowse noted, “There’s usually a ‘tipping point’ where you hit a ceiling of how many ads your users will accept — push it too far and you could hurt reader engagement, traffic, and in the long run your earnings.  On the flip side of this, don’t be afraid to have more than one or two ads on a page, particularly if you have long pages with lots of content.”


Next, consider the matters of ad design and ad size.  Something that sticks out may only serve to repulse readers, while they could entirely miss something that blends in too much.  Play with ad formats while you’re at it.

Finally, use information provided by Google Analytics to see which content converts.  Rowse wrote, “For example, I’ve found that search engine referrals are converting better than traffic from social media sites on one of my blogs.  Knowing this is powerful as it tells you what type of ads to serve to what types of traffic, what type of promotion to put effort towards, and what type of content to write more of.”

Follow Rowse’s advice and maybe you’ll match his success.  Heck, considering the economy’s state, you might wind up being able to afford two or three houses at this point.

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