Friday, February 7, 2025

Damashi Peer Review – Text Formatting Gone Crazy!


Nice website. Loads fast and you get a vague idea of what you stumbled onto. Sort of. You know they’re trying to sell you a book, and you have links and plenty of info on there to get you on the right path. (Does that sound too “Zen”?) Unfortunately, there are hinderances to the website that keep it from becoming one with itself. I’ve listed them as follows:

Identify the website and their purpose right away. I don’t want an extensive bio about this site, but I’d like to know the who’s and what behind this page. Why should I send my money?

Is this page for Damashi or for the book they’re trying to sell? At first glance, my attention goes immediately to the photo of the book, then I’m left wondering what this book is about, who’s trying to sell it, and why I should buy it. The “About Damashi” link is nice, but not too noticeable at first.

Text Formatting Gone Crazy! There’s normal sized text, medium-sized text, bold text, regular text, different color text.. It’s way too much at once! Uniformity alone could make this page so much better.

Navigation bar on top – Very handy, but too bulky. Can we make it a single line? It’s perfect if I’m surfing the web on my projection screen television, but otherwise, it’s too much at the top, it takes up way too much space, and tends to be a hinderance rather than the helpful tool it should be. The navigation links on the bottom are perfect, but again, let’s use some sort of text formatting all across the page. Keep it the same size, same colors, etc. Uniformity gives way to organization which gives way to appeal. (Wax on, Wax off.)

Color scheme! – Red/yellow on top, red/blue at the bottom, blue links, red text, some sort of emerald green bar.. what’s going on?! Pick a color scheme, stick with it, show it off! If you have to get colorful, keep one color to a page. Way Too busy!

Stand-alone window. Why does the “Order Guidelines” link open a new window? Why do I need a new window for that? Keep it all on the same page.

And that’s my 2-cents worth. Hope it helps. Always glad to help.

Surfingly Yours,


Peer reviewers volunteer their time and effort to help other site owners with their websites. Please take time to visit this reviewer’s site and say that you think what they’re doing is valuable to the web business community. If you’d like your site reviewed, send an email to editors@

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