Friday, February 7, 2025

CRM Training – Essential for Success


Imagine yourself wanting to run an airline company – a budding Freddy Laker. What do you need? Well, planes of course, but let’s say you have a bundle of these. What do you really need to make them work? That’s right – pilots! So how are you going to train them? Will you introduce them to an airliner? Take them up the steps and show them the insides – the aisles, the seats, the toilets? Why not take them into the cabin and show them the instruments, the dials, the communications system, the . . . Or how about showing them how it works.

That’s right, get a pilot and get him to take off, fly about a bit while they watch, then land. Then would you give them their wings, fill the plane full of passengers and ask them to do just what the pilot did? No, of course you wouldn’t. Then why is it that this is precisely the way that many companies train their employees in how to use newly installed Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software? Failure to train staff properly is the path to failure. Your business will crash just as effectively as that plane would – and just as quickly, without effective CRM training. The major reason for the failure in implementation of CRM systems is the failure of a planned and structured training and implementation procedure.

That is the Number One reason. CRM training is essential for success. Customer Relationship Management is a science – it is not the art that the old-style reps would have you believe. It absolutely true that the personal touch is with the customer is critical to success, but the day-to-day management of a CRM system requires the application of science and the provision of adequate tools to manage all of the stages of an integrated customer relationship management system.

There are many companies that provide computer CRM training classes, though the corporations that develop the software frequently develop the software with the customer’s training requirements in mind. Microsoft, for example, integrate training resources right into the software systems they develop, and this is as true for their CRM software as it is for Office applications. Applications such as Marketing Analysis, Event Managing, Sales Forecasting and Incentive Compensation and Bonuses are but a few of those which computer based CRM training cover, though the Microsoft CRM 3.0 training course is more easy to understand than most due to the seamless integration with Microsoft Office applications and Outlook. Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 software sits nicely alongside other Microsoft suites and integrates perfectly to provide a CRM solution for small to corporate size businesses which is simple for employees acquainted with Microsoft Windows applications to learn.

CRM training is essential for success, and it is essential that it is carried out effectively. How much simpler to do so if it is already programmed to be an integral part of an accepted suite of business programs! CRM training will not only be easier, but accepted by employees as an extension of their existing knowledge, rather than an addition burden placed upon them.

Syed Ali, is the lead CRM Analyst for a Toronto based company. His company, offers Microsoft CRM software Solutions

Syed can be reached at Tel : (905) 815- 1995 ext 22,

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