comScore Video Metrix has released a study that looks at six video sharing sites that did not make comScore’s ranking of the top 10 U.S. video properties for the month of April.
comScore Examines Video-Sharing Sites
The study found that French site was gaining ground in the U.S. In April the site had 4.7 million video streamers. The average video streamer at Dailymotion watched more than 10 videos and close to one hour of video content in the month. also saw solid numbers with 3.7 million streamers viewing 33 million video streams, while saw 3.1 million streamers view 32 million video streams. had the smallest viewing audience of the group but the strongest level of user engagement with more than 104 minutes per streamer due to the amount of full-length videos on the site.
“There’s been a great deal of speculation in the marketplace about which site is the next YouTube, and each of these next-tier sites has a particular draw,” said Erin Hunter, comScore’s executive vice president of media and entertainment solutions.
“While it will clearly be very difficult for any video site to replicate what YouTube has accomplished, is stating the strongest case at the moment, both domestically and internationally.”
comScore found that the 18-34 age group comprised 41 percent of’s audience, followed by (37%) and Veoh (37%). Heavy Networks had the largest number of video streamers less than 18 years of age (18%), while and Metacafe had the largest share among people age 35-44 (24%).
Added Ms. Hunter, “The challenge for these video-sharing sites, which rely quite a bit on user-generated content, is monetizing content over which advertisers have little control. That these sites generate such a large share of activity from younger visitors, however, is probably very compelling to advertisers.”