Friday, February 28, 2025

Commercial Implementation of Google Maps API


No doubt we’ll hear more on this one next week… drag and drop, click pin to open html file, embed mashup within web pages…

Placebase, a five year old GIS company who has worked for Fannie Mae Foundation, UCLA and the Brookings Institution, is developing Pushpin LE – launching officially next week. The product takes it’s roots out of the following: While developers love the Google Maps output, the licensing and support are not appropriate for their needs, in particular for commercial apps. Other things they note regarding the Google Maps API…

* No support is available-even for a fee

* All maps are branded “Powered by Google”

* Google’s terms say they have the right to include advertising in the maps at any time and without notice.

* Daily transactions are capped

* Internal corporate applications can not be built because Google’s terms require that all uses of Google Maps be “freely accessible to end users.”

* The API is subject to change at any time and there is no guarantee the applications built on the previous API will continue to work

* Google Maps does not provide any provisions or upgrade path for advanced cartography features such as thematic mapping

You can see more at and Pushpin will be available in two packages, LE and CX

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Anything Geospatial: Tracking developments affecting GIS, geospatial technologies, location-based services, mapping, google earth and google maps. Published by the creator and editor of &

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