Monday, January 13, 2025

Comment Spam Is Getting Smarter


Here are actual comment spams I received on Sunday:

  • How to download Real Audio streams and convert Real Audio to MP3.
  • had a similar problem a while back where i wanted to split large mp3s (live sets) into parts, while there are quite a number of apps out there that can do it, i found most of them to be bloated or they required you to buy it, so i ended up writing my o
  • Replace mp3-*-name.mp3 with the names of your songs (using Terminal, you can just drag and drop the file/names to Terminal and it’ll add the name/path). The “>” is the output pipe, and the “joined-songs.mp3″ would be the resulting name. You can ch
  • Hmm Yeah I guess that might work. I’ll have to try it out.
  • Wer Fuller selbst gerne einmal reden hren und sehen will, kann sich Aufnahmen seines legendren 42-stndigen Vortrags Everything I know streamen lassen (die Seite ist allerdings recht hufig nicht zu erreichen).
  • If you’re not afraid of the Unix command line, you could do this with the Cat command. Just type cat mp3-1-name.mp3 mp3-2-name.mp3 mp3-3-name.mp3 > joined-songs.mp3.
  • Wow!! I personally knew Bucky. I was the one who took him to Apple Computer and introduced him to Steve Jobs who gave him a tour of the Cupertino facility.
  • Have you tried TotalRecorder? I believe it can record pretty much anything you want and output it as MP3.
  • Sounds like a shell script should be able to do it I’d mpg123 them to .wav, concatenate the wavs (I bet there’s some neat little app that does that), and convert them back.
  • I am so thrilled to find this being served for FREE. This is the greatest discovery I have ever made on the web.
  • Are there any mp3 sources for these lectures? It’d be great to be able to listen to them off-line.
  • Wow, the spams are getting more and more real looking! I predict that the next innovation in comment spam will involve actual humans commenting on blogs with insightful, relevant, on-topic information. And I would be proud to approve them.

    By the way, have you tried out coComment? It lets you, via a bookmarklet, track and share your comments on everybody else’s blogs. Its invite only, but if you enter your email on the webpage, you might get an invite code within hours (I did). If you really want to know what I’m saying on other blogs, you can subscribe to my coComment feed.

    UPDATE: TDavid has the seven sure signs you’re looking at a comment spam.

    Nathan Weinberg writes the popular InsideGoogle blog, offering the latest news and insights about Google and search engines.

    Visit the InsideGoogle blog.

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