Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Chaining Your Future into Niches — A Global Perspective


This article has been written based on my vision of how online businesses will operate in the near future.

The concepts and views you are about to discover solely comes out from my own personal imagination based on the exposure I had for past several years working online.

The world is currently experiencing global challenges and fierce competition in almost every area of business. In view of this situation, small businesses are finding new ways to get more competitive and transparent to sustain and augment their presence.

These businesses are now capitalizing on the Internet bandwagon to leverage their potential competencies to the utmost level in business and to survive in today’s changing world.

However, due to the surge of small businesses being sprouted all over the Web with no concrete objective, the situation is getting worse day by day. If this trend continues to proliferate, we will be watching a MASSIVE CRASH! Much bigger and worse than the recent dotcom failures.

But there’s a way to deal with this situation at the holistic level. I call it “Chaining Your Future into Niches”. What do I mean by this? And what’s going to be the ultimate benefit you’ll get by practicing this model?

…By Chaining Your Future into Niches, I mean having a closed circuit loop of inter-related (niche) businesses that compliments every other niche business in the chain.

It will be like those Strategic Business Units or (SBUs) that consistently participates in the process of achieving a target. Here it will be websites with different themes promoting and endorsing each other, bringing targeted traffic to each member site thereby making enough sales and profits endlessly in a loop.

NOTE: Don’t intermingle this with Web Rings. This model is geared towards making specialized businesses that operates on exclusivity and specific value added functions that no other member site in the chain does.

This will help in forming micro alliances and partnerships to cater targeted customers in numerous dimensions, and to uphold the business objectives at the strategic level to make a synergised effect.

This trend will continue to increase in a steady flow towards a more propagated medium, and will proliferate exponentially within the next few years if practiced in the right direction.

As the program focuses on neatly defined niches, the revenue generation process will be carried out mainly through targeted advertising, generous commissions and direct(targeted) sales.

Additional revenues can be generated by making proper use of customer demographics, psychographics and technographics. As the program is going to fully concentrate on building a synchronized network business community, the anticipated revenues are expected to be all time high for a small business owners.

If you think what’s stated above make sense, you’ll want to make this loop functional as early as possible to position yourself in place where you’re comfortable working on.

Amin Khan of http://www.NicheChallenge.com is the active soul for helping you develop a successful niche based business. Subscribe his FREE ezine ‘The LASER’ to join the select group of pros who are driving the Net for success. Send a blank email to: majordomo@NicheChallenge.com with the word “subscribe laser” (without quotes) in the body of your email.

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