Thursday, February 20, 2025

Calacanis’ Advice For Economic Trouble


Tell that to Bear Sterns.

Mahalo CEO Jason Calacanis, formerly in charge of Netscape, former owner of Weblogs, Inc. who sold to AOL for a reported $25 million, has the answer for startups worried about getting through economic hard times: lots and lots of money.

He’s a Fordham alum, so you know where to send your contributions.

Not known for his silver tongue, the Brooklyn-native reportedly replied to a small, perhaps slightly inebriated group of SES New York karaoke goers’ concerns about the economic disaster the US is headed for with some sage-like advice.

Nate Westheimer contributes:

“Are we f**ked?” I asked Jason, in reference to this tailspin economy’s impact on Internet startups.

His reply:

“I’m not. I raised enough to last me for years. You should too. Now. If you can.”

Ah yes, advice reminiscent of the author of Ecclesiastes when he wrote “money answers everything.” That same author was a bit down on life in general, much like perhaps the entrepreneurs out there who see money as though staring at a baseball in a gutter just beyond reach. But thanks for the tip. 

Nate’s probably a bit fairer about it, noting that if one can raise some venture capital, even if it means giving up some control, it might be a good idea. But I can’t help being reminded of Calacanis poopooing on SEO in a room full of SEOers, or telling the Digital Slob’s insanely hot Russian model wife and podcaster, Olga Timakova (yes, this Olga) that nobody wanted to hear her talk.

Sigh. And people give him money. Maybe Hillary’s right; well-spoken just isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.

While you’re chewing on that solution to save your business, rolling pennies for gas, clipping coupons, and getting the oil changed in your, well, let’s call it “respectable” automobile, note also that luxury car sales are way up, so somebody’s making money, right?

Gap? What gap?

Note also that the HuffingtonPost seems to have surpassed the Drudge Report in terms of traffic, perhaps indicating that record numbers, like your humble author, are joining that ever-expanding “Used to be Republican” party. 

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