Thursday, February 6, 2025

BusinessWeek Gives Blogs the Cover Treatment


Whew, relief. I have been dying to talk about this for months. BusinessWeek this week has a cover story on blogs.

0518covdcI am part of the story, which humorously is written like a blog. My photo should also appear in the dead tree edition. BusinessWeek also used the occasion to launched a new blog, called Blogspotting. It will cover how media, business and blogging are colliding.

The story’s message: blogs will change your business! Get on the Cluetrain or you will be run over!!! A special shout out to Heather Green. She and I spent a lot of time together over the past few months and we had a blast. Maybe now the business world will be convinced that blogging is here to stay!

Excerpt added by murdok Editor:

It’s the latest wrinkle on Descartes. I blog therefore I… consult. An entire industry is rising up to guide companies into this frightening new realm. And the consultants establish their brands and reps with their blogs.

Perhaps the biggest is Steve Rubel. A year ago, the exec at the PR firm CooperKatz & Co. started his blog, Micro Persuasion. He was already pushing such clients as WeatherBug and the Association of National Advertisers into the blog world. Then early one Sunday morning, as he recalls it, “my wife was sleeping, and I was sitting in the living room, laptop on my lap, and thinking if I am talking to clients and reading these blogs, I should jump in.” When launching his site, he had the smarts to contact big shots such as Dan Gillmor, who was a leading blogger and tech reporter with the San Jose Mercury News. Gillmor linked to Rubel’s site, and his traffic took off. It was great for his brand, and it also gave Rubel a blogger’s education. “I became a living guinea pig for what I preach,” he says.

Now Rubel is positioned as an all-knowing Thumper in a forest of clueless Bambis.

Steve Rubel is a PR strategist with nearly 16 years of public relations, marketing, journalism and communications experience. He currently serves as a Senior Vice President with Edelman, the largest independent global PR firm.

He authors the Micro Persuasion weblog, which tracks how blogs and participatory journalism are changing the public relations practice.

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