Thursday, January 16, 2025

Building Lists (As Quickly As Possible)


Hi Michael:

I’m trying to figure out the best way to build a list as quickly as possible. I could purchase an “opt-in” email list and send them a newsletter — I have recently positioned my pages for SEO and I could do a PPC campaign (I’ve already tried and it’s luke warm). I thought I’d check with you and see what your thoughts might be.

Garrett suggested that I email you regarding my Newsletter questions… I write on Pay-per-click and other Internet marketing topics. I’ve read several of your articles.

Some background: Through writing for Murdok I’ve had an excellent response to my articles. Newsletters have turned out to be the most cost effective method of attracting new clients – it’s been a pleasant surprise. Consequently, I’m working hard at building my own list. Last week I sent a newsletter to my 250 person list and it delivered 5 calls, a few very interesting ones. I’m absolutely convinced this is a great media to market my services.

I’m trying to figure out the best way to build a list as quickly as possible. I could purchase an “opt-in” email list and send them a newsletter — I have recently positioned my pages for SEO and I could do a PPC campaign (I’ve already tried and it’s luke warm).

I thought I’d check with you and see what your thoughts might be.

My goal is to pick up just a few clients who’s campaign I can develop, launch and manage. I already do this for 2 companies in the health care business — and The Diabetes company, I have a 30% ownership in… the other one is long term contact of mine. I have also done this for several other companies.

I’m not looking for a ton of business just a few more clients to fill the extra time… I can’t handle too many. I believe I will need to throw a lot up against the wall to find these few clients. From what I can tell, sending a newsletter ever few weeks might just be the ticket – but getting that email list built is the key.

My Murdok page is..

I look forward to your thoughts.


Hi Neal:

Thanks for your email! It’s a good question, and one that I hear often.

I’ll give you the bad news first: there’s no easy, effective and cheap way to build a list that will accomplish the goals you’ve laid out. Even disregarding the SPAM monster that we all have to work around, there’s just too much noise out there for you to effectively chase people who aren’t already looking for a piece of your knowledge, and have them actually hire you for something as high trust as consulting.

The good news is that list size is not the key factor. If it were a mathematical equation, it’s really list size multiplied by attention that leads to results (and if I were going to be a real math geek, I’d say it’s “attention squared”). Adding people who have just a passing interest, or who come on because you offer to enter them in a contest (or whatever) may grow your list, but with the luke warm attention of these types of people it leads nowhere.

Instead, I recommend an “attraction” approach. Keep writing, keep providing useful, interesting, authentic information on the topics that you have expertise in, and those who find it worthwhile will come back and bring their friends.

I acknowledge that it feels like a slower approach, but it’s much more effective over the long run. My entire business (including my relationship with WebPro) is based 100% on people calling me, having seen something I wrote or heard me speak. It’s so much easier, nicer and more cost effective to have people find you!

I really do believe in the “build it and they will come” approach to marketing. Hope that’s helpful and all the best to you,


Michael J. Katz is Founder and Chief Penguin of Blue Penguin Development, Inc., ( a Boston area consulting firm that helps clients increase sales by showing them how to nurture their existing relationships, and that specializes in the development of electronic newsletters. He is the author of the book, E-Newsletters That Work.

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