Saturday, February 8, 2025

Blogs Are Hurting B2B Publishers


TechWeb brings us a gloom and doom research report stating that business to business trade media will see print ad spending decrease due to blog advertising, sponsorship and content opportunities.

“Users are finding alternatives to paid trade sources: mostly ad-supported content and user-created content from blogs.”


OK, this research will come true if business to business publishers react like a deer in the blogosphere’s headlights.

But The Washington Post and Newsweek show one way to integrate blogs into online content to being a new, valuable dimension to a print magazine’s online presence. You don’t even have to create a blog in these scenarios.



Instead of reading this research, business to business publishers should be defining and analyzing their corners of the blogosphere. All it takes is a few search engines and some quality time online. This foundation will help them create a strategy on how they can integrate consumer-generated media into their publishing models.

The sheer volume of business to business trade shows are the most obvious untapped opportunity. Consumer-generated media, including temporary event blogs, should/will alter trade shows significantly:

* New product shots on Flickr
* Show daily podcasts with interviews
* Blog reports on key speeches and show floor buzz
* Incentivized research encouraging non-attendee participation
* Fun gimmicks like ranking the show’s best tchotchke giveaway

These ideas are just the tip of the iceberg and everyone involved in the show (publisher, organizer, exhibitor, attendee, non-attendee) can benefit.

TechWeb notes “trade companies are likely to continue acquiring online shopping, social networking, and blogging-related companies in an effort to expand their businesses online.” Well trade media is the original niche, or micro, media. Who better to take advantage of the blogosphere? Business to business is near and dear to my heart after 13 years working in this sector. I’m rooting for them.

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Kevin Dugan is the author of the popular Strategic Public Relations blog. Kevin is Director of Marketing Communications for FRCH Design Worldwide.

Visit Kevin’s blog: Strategic Public Relations.

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